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Wishing everyone an enjoyable mid-term break for Carnival.
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Minutes of past meetings

Minutes : 2013-14 CES 11th March CES extraordinaire 6th February CES 26th November CEM/P 28th November CEM/P 17th October CES 15th October   2012-13 JCE 25th April CES 7th March CEM/P 7th March CES 6th December CEM/P 29th November CEM/P 18th October CES 18th October 
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Dates des Réunions

Conseil d’éducation Maternelles / Primaires     Conseil d’éducation Sécondaires     Conseil d’éducation mixte  
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Dates of Meetings

Nursery / Primary Education Council     Secondary Education Council     Joint Education Council  
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Enrolments 2013/14

     Due to technical issues on our IT supplier side enrolment to the 2013/2014 service is not possible for the moment. A message will be sent through the class reps when the problem is resolved.   If you wish to enrol your child for 
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Enrolments 2013/14

     Suite aux problèmes techniques du coté fournisseur TI l’enregistrement au services 2013/2014 n’est pas possible pour l’instant. Un message sera distribué à travers les représentantes des classes dés que la situation est stabilisé.     If you wish to enrol your child for 
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Flowcharts here
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Eureka! EN

The Eureka! Service has been created by parents and is completely managed by volunteers.  “Lost & Found” boxes are positioned nearby main doors in nursery, primary, secondary buildings, but also in the gymnasium changing rooms and in the canteen. Each Friday morning, Eureka! team of 
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