Inscriptions fermées ce vendredi 12 juin 2013 :

Le système d’inscriptions au Transport est temporairement fermé depuis ce vendredi 12 juillet 17:00 jusqu’au 01 août 08:00 et ce pour des raisons opérationnelles – nous travaillons actuellement sur le nouveau planning des lignes de bus scolaires. Nous invitons les parents déjà inscrits à vérifier 
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Inscriptions fermées ce vendredi 12 juin 2013 :

Le système d’inscriptions au Transport est temporairement fermé depuis ce vendredi 12 juillet 17:00 jusqu’au 01 août et 08:00 et ce pour des raisons opérationnelles – nous travaillons actuellement sur le nouveau planning des lignes de bus scolaires. Nous invitons lesparents déjà inscrits à vérifier 
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Enrolment system for Transport closed on Friday 12 July 05:00 PM

For operational reasons the system of registration for Transport is temporarily closed from 17.00 on Friday July 12th until 08.00 on Thursday 1st August as we are currently working on the new schedule of school bus routes. We advise parents to check their stops in 
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Enrolment system for Transport closed on Friday 12 July 05:00 PM

For operational reasons the system of registration for Transport is temporarily closed from 17.00 on Friday July 12th until 08.00 on Thursday 1st August as we are currently working on the new schedule of school bus routes. We advise parents to check their stops in 
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Important – pas de transport vers les garderies mercredi 26 juin 2013

Important: mercerdi 26 juin 2013 : il n’aura pas de bus scolaire depuis l’école vers les garderies (OIB) en raison de la grève dans les Institutions européennes. Les parents doivent venir chercher leur(s) enfant(s) à l’école à 12:30.
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Important – No school transport bus on WED 26 June to child care centers

Important: Wednesday 26 June 2013: no school bus from school EEB4 to the child care centers (OIB) because of the strike in the European Institutions. Parents have to collect their children at the school at 12:30.
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Deuxième soirée d’information sur la réforme des études secondaires

le 25 juin 2013, de 20h00 à 22h00 heuresdans la cantine de l’école de Woluwe – Avenue Oscar Jespers, 75 – B-1200 Bruxelles pour plus d’info, cliquez ici
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Second Information Evening on the Reform of Secondary Studies

Tuesday, 25 June 2013, 20.00 to 22.00 hoursCanteen of Woluwe school – Avenue Oscar Jespers, 75 – B-1200 Bruxelles click here for more information
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Finding a sustainable solution to the funding of teachers in European Schools (Cost-Sharing)

The debate reaches new levels as parents call upon on the enlarged Troika (meeting on Monday, 24th June) to: Find a solution to the cost-sharing problem, possibly along the lines of the ‘Munich model’ Discuss the Council decision of 16th May to hold an extraordinary 
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Finding a sustainable solution to the funding of teachers in European Schools (Cost-Sharing)

The debate reaches new levels as parents call upon on the enlarged Troika (meeting on Monday, 24th June) to: Find a solution to the cost-sharing problem, possibly along the lines of the ‘Munich model’ Discuss the Council decision of 16th May to hold an extraordinary 
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