

Since the end of the Toussaint Holiday, we have Peacemakers. Our job is to make sure that there is no fighting on the school playground. First, we had three practice sessions where we learned how to manage conflicts. We learned that you always have to stay calm, 
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journée de performances artistiques – encore encore!

L’APEEE a organisé une journée de performances artistiques le vendredi 20 mars 2015 de 13h à 16h dans la salle polyvalente et dans la salle de musique. Plus de 140 enfants ont participé à cet événement avec enthousiasme puisqu’ils l’ont préparé depuis le début des 
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Performing Arts 2015 – encore encore!

The APEEE organised its second edition of a Performing Arts Day on 20 March 2015. More than 140 children participated with enthusiasm and aplomb in this event which was the culmination of months of preparation with their monitors. Spread over two venues (the Salle Polyvalente 
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What should I know about transport enrolments for 2015 – 2016?

The first phase of transport enrolments are now open. Full details are on the transport pages of the website where we have also prepared some FAQs.  Here is a quick overview of what you should know: You have to sign up each year! If you 
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Issue 11 – May 2015

Dear Parents This is our anniversary edition! That’s right our newsletter is one year old this month. After some weeks of silence we now bring you a bumper edition with updates on a range of topics across the spectrum of the activities the APEEE is 
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FAQ’s Transport

FAQ’s Transport Le service du Transport possède une FAQ répertoriant les solutions aux questions que vous vous posez régulièrement. Si vous ne trouvez la réponse que vous cherchez, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter.
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FAQ’s Transport

FAQ’s Transport
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PAIEMENT – ANNEE SCOLAIRE 2017-2018   Qui? A partir de la première année primaire, les insitutions remboursent les frais de transport pour les enfants fréquentant une école primaire ou secondaire dans la limite d’un plafond mensuel de 260,95 € (valeur au 01.07.2015) pour chaque enfant 
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Payment Who pays? Children in P1 and above whose parents work for the Institutions may be eligible to have the transport costs paid by their employer. Please check if this includes your child! Children in maternelle are not eligible to have transport costs reimbursed by 
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Regulations Transport 2017-2018

Regulations TRANSPORT REGULATIONS 2017-2018 Download the Regulations for the current year : transport regulations (rules) 2017-2018 You can find the here the transport regulations (rules) 2016/2017   The transport regulations 2017-2018 are valid as per academic year starting on September 1st, 2017.    1. General   
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