May 2015 update on enrolment policy

There have been a series of meetings of the CEA and Groupe de Suivi over the last weeks. The APEEE was represented by Patrick ten Brink. Below are some of the key points which have emerged from these ongoing discussions. Interested in hearing more? Please 
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Congratulations to EEB 3 for their World record!

The European School of Brussels III has broken the existing world record (former 564) for an uninterrupted chain of people, holding hands, stepping through rings. Seven rings were used, symbolising the seven language sections of the school. The new world record was established during the school’s 
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Questions à propos du système d’inscription?

→ Le niveau scolaire est impossible à modifier.Il y a une faute dans le systeme et il n’est pas nécessaire de modifier le niveau scolaire. Le niveau scolaire de tous les élèves sera mis à jour après le dernier jour d’école (début juillet). Toutes les inscriptions resteront 
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Actualité services : système d’inscription

 Lisez notre FAQ – Foire Aux Questions  
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Enrolment System FAQs

Questions about the online enrolment system?  Read this first!  
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Question about the online enrolment system? Read this first!

Trouble with our enrolment system? Read this first! → I can’t change the school year for my child There is an error in the system. You do not need to do this. The school year for your child will be updated automatically after the end 
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Food Adventure 1

Le cycle des réunions “Se mettre à table” cette année s’est terminé avec un fabuleux et enthousiasmant projet! Après moult réflexions et débats sur le manque d’intérêt des enfants à consommer plus généreusement des fruits et légumes, nous,… Eric Piettre, Stéphan Fumière, Cyril Jesbac, Christophe 
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Somerfesto 2015 – come join the party!

The organising Committee is very happy to announce that the date for Somerfesto 2015 (our seventh annual party) has been decided by the school. This fun and extraordinary event will be held on : Saturday 20th June For those new in school, it is party 
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SEC education council – March 2015

The Secondary Education Council was prepared and attended by Section Representatives from the EN, FR and IT sections, as well as the VP Pedagogical Affairs. In the meantime, we are pleased to announce that there are also Section Representatives for the DE and NL sections.  
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N/P Education Council – March 2015

The N/P Education Council was prepared and attended by Section Representatives from the EN, FR and RO sections, as well as the VP and Deputy VP Pedagogical Affairs and the APEEE Working Group Coordinator.  The first part of the meeting was dedicated to Safety and 
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