
Candidates 2015

19 Nov. Extra curricular activities will go ahead

Although the OIB childcare facilities will be closed on November 19th, extra curricular activities will be maintained. Please come and pick up your kids after activities finish at 4:10pm if they normally go to an OIB garderie. Thanks for your cooperation The extra-curricular activities team
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19 nov. maintien des activités périscolaire

malgré la fermeture des garderies le 19 novembre 2015, toutes les activités periscolaires seront maintenues. nous vous remercions de prendre vos dispositions afin de venir chercher vos enfants après leurs activités à 16h10 s’ils sont inscrits à la garderie. l’équipe périscolaire
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Assemblée Générale (7/12/15) – délai pour propositions

L’Assemblée Générale annuelle (AG) aura lieu le lundi 7 décembre 2015 de19h00 à 23h00 au Centre de Conférences Albert Borschette (CCAB), rue Froissart 36,1040 Bruxelles. Le délai pour communiquer vos propositions pour l’agenda est aujourd’hui ( le 16/11/15).  Merci de communiquer vos propositions en anglais et 
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General Assembly on 7/12/15 – deadline for motions

The General Assembly will take place on  Monday December 7th 2015 from 7.00 pm to 11.00 pm. The deadline for submitting motions for inclusion in the agenda for the General Assembly is today (16/11/2015). Please send your explanatory statements /motions in English and in French to 
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Student petition – 9 year rule for seconded teachers

There is a student led petition circulating concerning the “9 year rule” (the rule which provides that seconded teachers may only spend 9 years teaching in the European Schools). Parents and other members of the school community may wish to sign here  
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Student Petition – 9 year rule for seconded teachers

There is a student led petition circulating concerning the “9 year rule” (the rule which provides that seconded teachers may only spend 9 years teaching in the European Schools). Parents and other members of the school community may wish to sign here
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New project approved

In its meeting on 10 November 2015, the CA approved, on the recommendation of the CFC, an application for funding in the sum of 3000 euros for a European Hours gardening and landscaping project. Many thanks to Noel Rowland for this initiative.
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Conference: Alcohol, tobacco, drug addiction prevention -Tuesday 10 November 2015

The parents’ association of EEB1 and the School administration of EEB1 have  askedStop à la drogueto help us set up an addiction prevention programme for the students. They have organised a meeting for the parents and there are spaces available.  Where? Tuesday 10 November 2015 
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Conference: Alcohol, tobacco, drug addiction prevention – Tuesday 10 November 2015

The parents’ association of EEB1 and the School administration of EEB1 have  askedStop à la drogue to help them set up an addiction prevention programme for the students. They have organised a meeting for the parents and there are spaces available.  Where? Tuesday 10 November 
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