President’s Message

Dear parents, Dear school community,

It’s a great pleasure to welcome you to the new school year 2024-2025 at the EEB4.

We begin this year with great enthusiasm and hope for our students, who are at the heart of our commitment. For parents, whether new or returning, we are here to support you throughout the year. From the morning of Wednesday 4 September, APEEE representatives and myself, will be at the school entrance to welcome you and answer your questions. We invite new parents to a welcome coffee from 8.15AM to 10AM inside the school.

As every year, we will be holding elections for the Class Representatives, the parent volunteers who are essential to the smooth running of our community. These elections will take place at the back-to-school information meetings in September. The meetings for M1-M2 classes will start on Tuesday 3 September. For the Primary and Secondary classes, meetings will be held on 23 September for P1 and S7, on 24 September for P2 and S1-S2, on 25 September for P3-P4 and S3-S4, and on 26 September for P5 and S5-S6. The school will be sending you more information about this shortly.

Why is it so important to volunteer as a Class Representative? These representatives are the indispensable intermediaries between parents and the school, as well as the APEEE. They ensure that parents’ concerns are heard and that important information circulates effectively. Without them, the APEEE could not function properly, and it is thanks to their dedication that we can continue to improve our children’s school experience.

In conclusion, I wish everyone a successful and fulfilling school year. May it be a year of discovery and achievement for each and every one of you!

With warmest regards,

Dan Nicolae
President of the APEEE BRU IV