Sewing workshop

Want to immerse yourself in the world of sewing and learn how to create unique accessories? Join this workshop!


With TBC
P3-P5: Wednesday, 13h30-15h00

1st semester :

During the first semester, children learn the basics of sewing: how to use a thread, needle, thimble, quick-decorator and safety pins.

Through small exercises (sewing a button, making a hem, mastering the different stitches, etc.), the children learn the techniques needed to make a complete garment.

They discover and assemble different fabrics to create unique fashion items: purses, clutches, bags, handbags, shopping bags, etc.

The first part of the year is devoted to exploring the artistic talent of each student and acquiring practical sewing skills. The aim of the workshop is to discover a new creative language, and to enjoy putting an idea or a project together!

2nd semester :

During the 2nd semester, the techniques learnt in the first semester are put into practice to make more complex and detailed pieces. Each stage of the process is accompanied: creating a pattern, a template, cutting, pinning, stitching, etc.

Children begin to sew independently by hand and even try out the sewing machine! They also learn how to finish their creations, which they will have the pleasure of exhibiting at Performing Arts Day!