Self defence

"Want to discover a sport that teaches you to defend yourself? The self-defence activity is a complete practice that combines sports and awareness raising aspects. Children will know how to react in case of aggression and have the right reflexes."


With Frédéric :

P3-P5 : Monday, 15h10 – 16h10


With Frédéric :

S1-S7: Monday, 16h10 – 17h30

1st semester

The goal of the first semester is to introduce the students to self-defence in a fun way.

For the sporting side of the activity, the children will learn basic defence and attack techniques from different martial arts (karate, judo, boxing, Brazilian jujitsu). They will play opposition games and duels to practice different defence themes. They will learn how to move in front of their opponent, how to lead an attack and above all how to fall without getting hurt.

There will also be a discussion and exchange part on different themes, for example: violence at school, racketeering. The children will be able to adopt the appropriate behaviour if they feel uncomfortable, whether it is a simple discomfort or an actual aggression.

Children will gain self-confidence, be able to defuse an aggression and react to a stressful situation.

2nd semester

The aim of the second semester is to perfect more advanced defence and attack techniques. The children progress in their learning and personal development.

Pupils will learn more about the different combat sports and be able to make use of them if necessary. They will develop the technique of Brazilian jujitsu, learn about the explosiveness of English and Thai boxing and discover the art of fighting in karate and judo.

The children will be introduced to several martial arts, eventually allowing them to continue with one in particular and feel comfortable with their bodies.

Correct sportswear required