Music, rhythm and movement

"Would you like to participate in a kind of musical psychomotricity? This activity combines the learning of music, rhythm and motor skills."


With TBC:

Tuesday, 15h10 – 16h10

1st semester

The objective of the first semester is to introduce the children to the world of music and rhythm and to discover their bodies, cultivate teamwork, and develop their imagination.

Through games and improvisations, the children will activate their musical and physical awareness. The focus will be on the embodiment of different rhythms and sounds and on getting familiarized with the various elements of music in a more experiential and fun way.

During this semester, we will also discover how to use our voice as well as various musical instruments (castanets, claves, triangles, maracas, musical eggs, etc) and how those elements can initiate movement and be interpreted through the body. This approach, through rhythm, voice, hearing, and body perception is based on the methods and experiences of Dalcroze and Orff.

2nd semester

The aim of the second semester is to deepen our exploration of the body, rhythm and space through more demanding games and improvisations. Eventually, we will start preparing a short presentation according on the interests, aptitudes and wishes of the participants.