Book Club

"Want to join a book club? This club will offer students the opportunity to discover new books, vote for literary prizes and record an audio book."


With Claire:

P4-P5: Tuesday, 15h10 – 16h10

Secondary (this activities takes place once every two weeks)

With Claire:

S1-S3 : Tuesday, 12h40 – 13h25

S4-S7 : Tuesday 13h30 – 14h15


Each week, the monitor introduces the children to a selection of books based around a particular theme, an author, the winners of the Versele prize or the new books of the moment. Depending on the theme of the session, the children are invited to :

  • Present themselves a book they have read/loved
  • Read out loud in front of their classmates
  • Take part in discussions about a book
  • Write reviews

Depending on the interests of the group, the monitor may offer the children the chance to record books that can be broadcast on the school radio, or to put on a play (yes, you can read plays too!).

The book club is conducted in French and the books presented are mainly in French (as far as possible, some books may be offered in other languages).

The club’s philosophy

  • Tolerance: anything can be read, and all reading tastes are welcome
  • Curiosity: it is an opportunity to discover other genres and new authors
  • Reading for pleasure: nothing is mandatory, you just have to like reading and like sharing


At each session, a wide variety of books – usually chosen by the pupils – are presented and can be borrowed straight away. Some examples of themes covered last year: witches, space, ancient Rome, trains, cooking, the forest….

Here, anything can be read and shared without fear of being judged by others: it is an opportunity to open up to other genres, other authors, to discover classics or the latest novels, in a friendly and happy atmosphere!

Language: The book club is conducted in French and the books presented are mainly in French (as far as possible, some books may be offered in other languages). 

The club is offered during the lunch break: depending on enrolment and availability, two groups can be formed (12h40 – 13h25 & 13h30-14h15). 

We provide a (cold) lunch for pupils enrolled in the canteen (several options will be offered before the activity starts). Other children can bring their own cold lunch.

Theatre performance