President’s End of Year Message

Dear Parents,

As this strange year of 2020 draws to a close, we can now all look forward to a well-deserved rest. I would like to thank the parents who have had to find extra hours in their day to support their children’s learning from home and the teachers who have had to find new teaching solutions in unpredictable conditions.

I also applaud the students for their flexibility, hard work and for keeping a smile under their masks and in front of their web cams when they could. Special encouragement goes to the Secondary students who are hitting the books to prepare their B-tests and pre-Bac! 

Throughout all the changes, our school community has remained strong with good cooperation between the APEEE Board, APEEE staff and school management. The APEEE will continue to seek ways to support parents and students while respecting safety measures. 

The APEEE will hold its annual General Assembly on Jan 25, 2021 and there will be 11 posts open for (re-)election. If you would like to become involved in our work, either supporting the services or pedagogical matters, we invite you to submit your candidature. Don’t miss this chance to share your expertise and talent for the benefit of the entire school community. The forms will be sent with the official invitation. 

I wish everyone a warm and peaceful end of year decorated with celebrations in person and online.

Best regards,

Kristin Dijkstra,
President of the APEEE of Brussels IV-Laeken


Additional documents:

Please find the EN language activity report here >

Please find the InterParents activity report here >