
Feel like discovering fencing? Fencing is a combat sport that encourages playful opposition situations. This sport requires the ability to take on different roles: fencer, referee, teammate, or opponent. Students learn to adapt to others, to gain confidence, but also to respect their opponent and the rules of life of the group. It is a physical, intelligent and above all exciting sport, which requires concentration, coordination and alertness.


With André:

P1-P2 : Thursday, 15h10 – 16h10 (Introduction to fencing)

P3-P5 : Wednesday, 13h30 – 15h00

P3-P5 : Friday, 15h10 – 16h10


With André:

S1-S7 : Friday, 16h10 – 17h30

1st semester

The objective of the first semester is to learn about the practice of foil in the form of assaults.

This first semester offers an introduction to fencing.

Students learn about the equipment and become familiar with safety procedures. They are then taught the basics of fencing: foil handling, guard position and movement. The instructor also teaches them basic attack and defence techniques. The direct and simple attack is called the forehand stroke while the withdrawal of the body is a defensive movement. Games and short assaults are used to put the learning into practice.

2nd semester 

The objective of the second semester is to practice the foil and develop the offensive and defensive techniques of the students through coaching during assaults.

This second semester is an opportunity to improve on previous learning.

Apprentice fencers will be introduced to new techniques and concepts such as distance, fingering, coordination, rhythm, support, parry defence and the simple indirect attack, which is the disengage and cut.

Pupils will continue to put into practice all the learning in the form of games and assaults, with the gradual introduction of the notion of laying a “trap” for the opponent.

Correct sportswear required (trainers, t-shirt, shorts/pants). Specific equipment will be provided by the monitor.