Chess club

Want to develop your chess strategies? This course is designed to introduce children to the basic rules of chess quickly so that they can have fun playing exciting games. Chess is a great tool for developing children's creativity, concentration and intelligence.


With Joël:

P1-P2 : Monday, 15h10 – 16h10

P1-P2 : Friday, 12h50 – 13h50

P1-P2 : Friday, 14h00 – 15h00


P3-P5 : Tuesday, 15h10 – 16h10

P3-P5 : Thursday, 15h10 – 16h10

P3-P5 : Friday, 15h10 – 16h10 (advanced level)

1st semester

The objective of the first semester is to introduce children to the basics of the game through exercises and problems.

Children become familiar with the chess game: they learn about the pieces and the chessboard, the positions, moves and strategic moves of certain pieces. Although the game sometimes appears complicated and mysterious, the rules of the game are simple and children learn how to move the pieces very quickly.  They also learn how to start and finish a game and how to win or lose with respect for the opponent.

During each class, the children play games, they are sometimes put in tournament condition, which allows them to put into practice the tactical moves they have learned such as the fork or the nail, etc… A first tournament is organized before the Christmas holidays, so the children also learn to play against all their classmates.

2nd semester

The second semester’s objective is to improve the level of the students in preparation for the tournaments.

The objective of the second semester is the improvement of the level. The children are confronted with more difficult problems, they assimilate new concepts such as algebraic notation, which is the system for describing the moves played, and improve their openings for tournaments.

Chess players raise their level, thanks to better thinking and new strategies, and are ready to participate in organized tournaments: the Carnival tournament, the Easter tournament and the end-of-year tournament, during which all chess students will compete in the school championship. To close this season, parents are invited to attend the graduation ceremony where diplomas, medals and trophies are awarded.